Tips for skin care in winter
Dry skin is skin that lacks moisture in its outer layer. If you don't treat it, It can crack and become infected. Dry skin is a very normal condition that causes cracking and dry patches. The common symptom of dry skin is itching. And It is more common especially in the winter season and drier climates. Extreme dryness can cause the skin to crack. Therefore treatment for dry skin is very important for us. These are some home remedies and tips for skin care in winter.
Research has shown that honey is beneficial for many types of skin diseases. Honey may be used as a home treatment to relieve dry skin. Honey is the moisturizing, healing and anti-inflammatory. So honey is ideal at home treatment to relieve dry skin. It is a completely natural ingredient and can be applied directly to the skin.Apply moisturizer regularly
Once you come out of the shower, towel off gently and apply a moisturizer all over your body to lock in hydration. During this cold and dry weather, a lotion with lots of glycerine is your best condition to keep your skin soft. Glycerine is a viscous liquid that draws moisture from the air and keeps it into the skin to moisturized for long.
Drink water
Dry skin is a skin condition characterized by a lack of the appropriate amount of water in the most superficial layer of the skin. To protect your skin from hydration you should drink plenty of water. It not only helps your body but also your skin to stay young. Don't skimp on water, even though you may not be as thirsty as in summer. If you drink plenty of water you will see and feel the effects.
Milk is also very good for relief from dry skin. You should take diet including milk. It improves dry skin. The milk contains the fat i.e. phospho-lipid, which acts as a skin barrier to improve the skin.Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is also a natural oil that works well to treat dry skin. It is as safe as petroleum jelly for dry skin. It improves skin hydration and keeps skin moisturized and soft.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera gel also helps to relief from dry skin. You can apply aloe vera gel on your hands or feet and cover the affected area with a sock or glove. You should prefer to do this before going to bed and leave the gel on all night.
Olive oil and Sunflower oil
The study has found that Sunflower seed oil improved hydration when used it as the moisturizer and olive oil also proved a good moisturizer that repairs the damaged skin inside and keeps your body moisturized.
Studies have shown that petroleum jelly also can be used moisturizer for dry skin for dry skin. It is known as mineral oil.Petroleum Jelly
Use Natural Moisturizers
Use natural moisturizers like butter, milk, honey, curd, coconut oil, olive oil than chemical moisturizers. Milk and butter soften our skin and curd acts as the good hydrating agent and prevents itchiness and dryness. Honey is considered an excellent moisturizer. It has antioxidants which make our skin soft and smooth.Apply Sunscreen
Do not go outside in any season without using SPF of at least 15 on your face and hands. It is just as important to be applying sunscreen in the harsh winter weather as it is in the summer season.
Limited Shower Time
Long, hot showers can cause the skin to dry out more than necessary and can irritate your skin. But your skin will be better with a 5 to 10-minute shower with lukewarm water. Frequent hand washes also cause dryness. So you should avoid using hot water while washing your hands. Try adding lemon juice to your bath water. Avoid hot water which will strip your skin of its natural oil.